The Amazon Seller's Guide to Outsourcing

An online video course to help you outsource the tasks you hate, focus on what matters, and reclaim your free time

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Many of the Amazon sellers that we talk with feel overwhelmed, stressed out and unfulfilled by their never-ending to-do list. They spend countless hours each day doing repetitive tasks they hate - leaving very little time to grow their business or enjoy life outside of work.

But it doesn't have to be that way. Bootstrap Biz Growth helps Amazon sellers outsource time-consuming tasks to highly skilled virtual assistants in the Philippines for as little as $2-3 per hour. And when you get those tasks off your plate, you have more time to focus on things that make you money and things that make you happy.

In this Online Course, we show you how to do just that. When you buy this course, you will:

  1. Identify which tasks you should be outsourcing to a virtual assistant
  2. Learn our proven, step-by-step system for finding, hiring & onboarding an experienced Amazon virtual assistant
  3. Hire your very own virtual assistant to tackle your never-ending to-do list

With this course, you'll have more time to focus on what you love, you'll be able to grow your business faster than you ever imagined, and you'll relieve yourself from the stress, anxiety and overwhelm that comes with being an Amazon seller.

Ready to reclaim your time and grow your business? Sign up for the Amazon Seller's Guide to Outsourcing today!


"I run an Amazon business and there are so many mindless, repetitive tasks that are crucial to my business but that I don't have time to do myself. So I went through the course and now I have a virtual assistant that works 40 hours per week. He's always on time, he always works his tail off and he's just fantastic. I can't recommend this course highly enough."

- Nick Hinton, Amazon Seller & IT Consultant

Discover how the Outsourcing Course has helped Amazon sellers like you reduce stress, grow their business & reclaim their time.


  • Free up time for things that make you money and things that make you happy

  • Prevent "burnout" by outsourcing the tasks you hate doing, aren't good at doing, or shouldn't be doing

  • Identify which tasks YOU should outsource first

  • Find and hire the most talented, reliable & trustworthy virtual assistants for as little as $2-3 per hour

  • Evaluate applicants using our proven, step-by-step hiring process

  • Quickly train and onboard your virtual assistant so they can start taking tasks off your to-do list within a few days

  • Use our favorite (free) tools for managing and communicating with virtual assistants

  • Build a lasting relationship with your virtual assistant so they produce at a high level for years to come

  • Protect confidential information like passwords and intellectual property when working with a virtual assistant

"I would recommend this to anybody who's looking at outsourcing because it really is a solution in a box. You watch it and you have everything you need to hire a virtual assistant."

- Priscilla Wagner, Business Development Manager, Zumba Fitness


  • Anybody that feels stressed out, overwhelmed or unfulfilled by their never-ending to-do list

  • Anybody that wants more time to focus on the things that make them money and the things that make them happy

  • Amazon sellers that are feeling burnt-out due to long hours and a poor work/life balance

  • People that HATE doing low value, repetitive tasks

  • Amazon sellers that need help but can't afford all the costs associated with hiring a local employee

  • People that have tried outsourcing before but had trouble finding qualified workers or struggled to train them to get the job done right the first time

  • Anybody who wants to build a business that generates passive income.

"One of the biggest reasons why entrepreneurs nowadays struggle to grow their businesses is because they are simply wearing too many hats. They do everything in their business. They ARE the business!!!"

- Chris Ducker, Entrepreneur


  • A full list of 90+ tasks that can and should be outsourced

  • 7 Easy Modules walking you through every single step of the outsourcing process

  • 7 Tech Tutorial videos that explain exactly how to use our favorite (free) tools for managing and communicating with your virtual assistant

  • 7 Email Templates to make the hiring process a breeze

  • Fill-in-the-Blank Templates and real world examples to help you create all of your hiring documents within minutes

  • Lifetime access to all of our future course updates

Course Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  How to Find & Hire Freelancers For One-Time Tasks & Projects
Available in days
days after you enroll


"You live and die by your ability to prioritize. You must focus on the most important, mission-critical tasks each day and night, and then share, delegate, delay or skip the rest."

- Jessica Jackley, Entrepreneur

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
What format is the course delivered in?
The course is made up of videos, templates, swipe email copy, step-by-step tutorial videos, and action items to keep you on track.
Couldn't I just find this information for free online?
You certainly can, but it's going to take you a looong time to weed through all of the bad information and figure out what really works when it comes to outsourcing. Trust me, I went through the process of reading EVERY book and article on outsourcing... then, I went out and tested everything to figure out what actually works and what is just theory. This course gives you the information you need to know and nothing else.
This course would be a big investment for me. Is it really worth the price?
We think so! Implementing the strategies in this course will allow you to hire a full-time virtual assistant for as little as $350/month. A similarly skilled local employee would cost north of $2400/month. And don't forget about all of the time that your virtual assistant will free up so that you can focus on high-value tasks that actually grow your business.
What if I've never hired anybody or outsourced anything?
Not to worry! This course walks you through the entire outsourcing process. We help you identify what to outsource first, then we show you exactly how to find, hire, train and manage a superstar virtual assistant. No experience required.
What if I'm not all that good with "technology"?
Most of our students aren't all that technologically savvy either, which is why we've created step-by-step tutorial videos that walk you through every step of the process. Just watch the videos and follow along. No technology prerequisites required.
How long will it take me to implement the course strategies and hire a virtual assistant?
The course is self-paced so you can move as fast as you want, but most of our students are up and running with a virtual assistant in 30 days!

If you follow the action steps in this course, you'll be up and running with a virtual assistant in 30 days or less!

Get started now!